8.–12. 11. 2021
Časové pásmo: Europe/Prague

Standardization of the database structures for data and information used in nuclear-decommissioning projects

9. 11. 2021 16:30
Přednáška Nakládání s radioaktivními odpady, vyřazování jaderných zařízení z provozu Nakládání s radioaktivními odpady, vyřazování jaderných zařízení z provozu


pan Dušan Daniška (ÚJFI FEI STU, Bratislava)


The amount and variety of information used during the nuclear decommissioning project are enormous. If we consider that data and information coming from the whole operational phase of an NPP is important for safe and efficient planning of such projects and waste treatment, packaging, storage, and disposal use data coming from the dismantling operations, we can expect that nuclear-decommissioning data is live and can be useful for decades. Taking into account a very broad variety of such data (e.g., but not only, their format, storage media, structure, meaning, relevancy, ...) it is not a trivial task to develop a complex and reasonably structured database for storing all these data. This paper presents an overview of current research activities in the field of standardization in terms of the data structure and storage technologies where one of the goals of these activities is to outline the technology framework for building a so-called "single source of truth" for all data and information used during the nuclear-decommissioning projects.

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Hlavní autor

pan Dušan Daniška (ÚJFI FEI STU, Bratislava)


pan Branislav Vrban (ÚJFI FEI STU, Bratislava) Prof. Vladimír Nečas (ÚJFI FEI STU, Bratislava)

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