8.–12. 11. 2021
Časové pásmo: Europe/Prague

Automatic procedure for localisation and dosimetry of wounds with radioactive contamination

8. 11. 2021 16:12
Miniprezentace Metrologie, měření, přístrojová technika a její aplikace Metrologie, měření, přístrojová technika a její aplikace


Tomáš Slavíček (ÚTEF ČVUT v Praze)


Accidents involving radioactive materials are one of the most dangerous accidents a living organism can be exposed to. Individuals and first responders are in the risk during the accidents or interventions, due to radioactive debris impact, due to the depleted uranium ammunition or a malevolent act against individuals. Moreover, radioactive contamination of wounds causes internal exposure of the body and standard decontamination procedures cannot be applied. In order to deal with such situations, we are developing a measurement system consisting of a robotic arm, array of various detectors and corresponding methodology, which allows to quantify timely the spatial distribution of contamination and the radiation dose for the adequate medical response. The aim of this publication is to present current status of the development and demonstrate first measurement results done with phantoms and radioactive traces.

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Hlavní autor

Tomáš Slavíček (ÚTEF ČVUT v Praze)


Pavel Fojtík (Státní ústav radiační ochrany) Peter Rubovič (Státní ústav radiační ochrany, v.v.i.)

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